Thursday, July 29, 2010

Are the Democrats subverting the Mortgage Crisis Fiasco to get Obama elected?

';Economic Fears Boost Obama';....well, then, to whose advantage is it to keep our economy careening with this Fannie/Freddie thing, especially when the hearings are conducted by certain Democrats who themselves shared responsibility for creating the mess?

By means of a delay here, a wrench thrown in there, subtly, enough anxieties can be churned right up until election day...

What could be better for Obama/Biden? Or worse for our financial security?Are the Democrats subverting the Mortgage Crisis Fiasco to get Obama elected?
I won't put all the blame on Obama. There is plenty of blame to go around, but the Dems bear their share. It was the Dems who pressured lenders to loosen standards for awarding mortgages so that home ownership could go up amongst their constituents. People were getting loans they couldn't possibly afford just so the Dems could claim that thanks to them, home ownership was rising.

And don't tell me about the deregulation bill. That bill was passed in 1999. Clinton worked with Congress on that bill and signed it into law. If he was so oposed to it, he could have vetoed it. Period. The Republicans wanted deregulation and the Dems wanted increased home ownership. They both screwed it up.Are the Democrats subverting the Mortgage Crisis Fiasco to get Obama elected?
Do you know what I find Ironic about your question? For years republicans have called democrats ';tax and spend democrats';. What's ironic is that now you are criticizing democrats for not writing a 3/4 of a trillion dollar check fast enough. You are also criticizing them for asking legitimate questions, questions some republicans are asking as well, about how the bail out will be structured. What is very clear from your question is that it is based on sound bites from right wing blogs and talk radio and that you ultimately have no idea what you are talking about.

This bailout is a bum rush, trying to panic us into handing investment banks a trillion dollars with no strings attached. Most of the stiffest resistance, thank God, is coming from the few real conservatives left in the GOP, who point out this plan has no details, no accountability and nothing in it for the American people except Paulson's expectation it will help the liquidity crisis and let wall Street go back to throwing moeny around like drunken sailors in a whore house whil epaying themselves $100MUSD bonuses for failing miserably.

Have you read the plan? I have. My god! ';Give the treasury secretary power to do anything he chooses at any time, not subject to review or oversight by anyone, to the tune of 700 billion up front in a lump sum.'; What moron would sign off on that?

Borrow and spend, borrow and spend, borrow and spend till no one will loan us any more money and the next twenty generations are in debt to their eyeballs.

The GOP credo never changes. Steal from taxpayer and give to the rich, give to Africa, give to Georgia, give to Israel, and Egypt and Pakistan and Halliburton, but the American people and their needs.... screw those idiots.
Let's see, the Bully Bush Gang spends $700,000,000,000 on a war to nowhere, then the markets drop by THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT, .....................then you blame the democrats?

Bush is doing everything possible to hijack the next president. He has vetoed everything the Democrats have sent to him, if it didn't include another $80 billion for his WMD search, for OIL.

And you think McBush can save you? Old Grumpy McCain doesn't have a clue, he doesn't understand economics, only more surge, more war, remember?

Obama/Biden 08!..
Of coarse. They will do anything to get Obama elected. They are going to have a tough time in the debates defending against McCain's comments to congress on the fall of the financials. He said this was going to happen, and it did. Democrats only have the fear tactics to fall back on. All their little sheep keep following.
the hold up is mcSame. He's the one playing politics with this. Until he gets on board, no bill will be passed. most, Republicans and Democrats, don't trust him. They are afraid that if he votes against the package, he will use it as a political football. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans want the ';maverick'; to be able to demagogue this bail out. there will be no bailout until he gets on board.
That has to be the most asinine statement I have heard so far today. If anything the Bush Admin. has been trying to stave off this economic meltdown until after the elections, and they failed. What is going on now affects both candidates and our country as a whole, and I highly doubt any American wants this garbage dragged out any longer than necessary, if they can fix this first time, we are all in serious trouble.
How about you place the blame on the people in charge and stop trying to spin this as if it is OBAMA鈥檚 fault. That is a great Idea just rush to approve a BS plan and give away 700 billion with no oversight! Once again we have some daily yahoo blogger crying for the rich to be bailed out and to top it off you agree that we the taxes payers should take it in the shorts. The logic is crazy and even some GOP Diehards agree this plan is a bad one.
Democrats in unison doing it? No, I'm not sure that's possible. There is no doubt that some are trying this tactic though. My fear is that the bailout should have been completed, if it needed to be done at all, and that turning it into another multi-page self-interest package that we're defeating the purpose. I don't believe all legislation needs to be bipartisan, but this is one of those cases where they've got to put political differences together and ACT.
What I want to know is the loss of cash were the government not to do the bailout.

I don't care what party it is, as long as there is some accountability and honest workings for all Americans, not just those who were not responsible enough to see they couldn't pay their ridiculous loans.

How much will be lost? Is it more that $700 BILLION dollars?

Bush wanted to give his buddies in Wall Street a trillion dollar tax bailout, with no strings.

The Democrats want regulation attached to this, and to make sure the money gets paid back.

Sorry if this doesnt fit in with what you think. But I dont want to pay more taxes and set up the greatest socialist experiment ever just to help out Bush's Wall Street friends.
You display an ignorance of who or what is really responsible and instead choose to shift the blame to whoever you do not like, because you rarely bother to read a newspaper and probably have not read a single thing about the banking industry until last week.
While I want to see Obama get elected, I do think there is a conspiracy to keep the economy in the crapper until after our election. But I think it's for our own good, right now.
Yes they are. The bailout will pass only when Republicans allow the bonuses of the CEO's of the failed companies to be rescinded. They will give in simply because they want McCain in office. Its a game. Plain and simple.
well since mcain was in support of deregulation until recently and introduced a billin support of it in 2002.He is partially responsible for the collapse of the banking system
Where do you live in la la land this economic crisis wasn't something made up by Democrats it's real and all due to the incompetent of a Republicans lead presidency and congress .

No they are actuallyt rying to ensure that this never happens again rather than play politics by rushing to put a bandaid on the Problem to make It ';appear'; fixed until the election
I'm sure you think Obama orchestrated it all, right? Whoops, I forgot, podunk Republicans can't handle big words. Forget it.
No... everyone truly is incredibly alarmed by the crisis. It's just by chance that McCain is so rich that he doesn't get it.
Is there anything you won't blame on Obama?
Yes they are. Don't forget Obama's comunnist-islamist ideology. That's the way they work.
I am more alarmed and fearful than ever if a Community Organizer gets elected!
Yes I believe they are. Keeping the American people scared is their only way of winning.

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