Thursday, July 29, 2010

How can I find information on the men and companies that commit mortgage fraud ?

My home was taken from me by mortgage fraud, I can not afford an attorney. I have legal aid. They have now given me two attorney's. They have informed me , I definently have been scammed. But because it is so detailed and so much involved , Because they are a free service only so much time can be invested into my case. If I can help by finding information out about these preditors , It will help me . as of now I'm basically screwed unless I can see if they have done this before. I do I search online for information on who has commited mortgage fraud. I've tried FBI files and many others please help me stop them from doing this to another family with children. They took advantage of me at my low time.How can I find information on the men and companies that commit mortgage fraud ?
Post it all over sites on the Internet, people will read it and be aware. Other than that, I have no idea.How can I find information on the men and companies that commit mortgage fraud ?
Mortgages are a matter of public record. Your mortgage is on record at the county courthouse in the county which the home is in. You can also search many counties by mortgage company or bank name and dates. When a lender or mortgage broker wants to get leads, they search courthouse records for homeowners. You can obtain someone's balance, rate, bank, etc. My husband and I are loan officers with a large, reputable bank. I would be very interested in hearing more about what happened to you so that I can better inform my customers and realtors. You should fight this until you are satisfied. Also, the lender that did your loan MUST be licensed in your state. A lot of brokers get away with doing loans in states where they have no license. I wonder if these people were licensed in your state? No one really checks that kind of thing. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. Good luck!

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