Thursday, July 29, 2010

So, how much stimulus can I get if I quit paying my mortgage, have five illegitimate children and quit my job?

Will the government pay down the principal of my loan and lower my interest rate?

Will they extend unemployment benefits?

Will they give me food stamps?

Will they send my children to college?So, how much stimulus can I get if I quit paying my mortgage, have five illegitimate children and quit my job?
OBAMA: ';We have launched a housing plan that will help responsible families facing the threat of foreclosure lower their monthly payments and refinance their mortgages. It's a plan that won't help speculators or that neighbor down the street who bought a house he could never hope to afford, but it will help millions of Americans who are struggling with declining home values.';

THE FACTS: If the administration has come up with a way to ensure money only goes to those who got in honest trouble, it hasn't said so. Similarly, the head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. suggested this month it's not likely aid will be denied to all homeowners who overstated their income or assets to get a mortgage they couldn't afford.

';I think it's just simply impractical to try to do a forensic analysis of each and every one of these delinquent loans,'; Sheila Bair told National Public Radio.So, how much stimulus can I get if I quit paying my mortgage, have five illegitimate children and quit my job?
None, except for possibly an extension of unemployment. The stimulus is for people who work, and the unemployment is there because you did work in the past and is coming out of your own pocket anyway.

Michman: Actually, the weed I smoke is fairly good quality. And having spent some time in Amsterdam, I know quality.
We where just having this discussion a few minutes ago with our 25 year old son. it's like why do we bother to get up and go to work any more. We're tired ! I want someone to clean my house to can they pay for that too?

at the rate they are spending our money the people in the middle class are fast becoming the poor !
Sure. Go ahead. If the idea of living below poverty level and barely surviving turns you on, have at it. It's not like I have a choice as to whether or not to support you. Enjoy the projects once you finally lose the house.
the recent porkulus measure seems to be mostly aimed at helping government employees. So being a screw up and screwing off a lot is not enough. You'd have to turn pro, and get a government job.

unless you are going to physically pull it from right-wing fantasy world.

why not try it and find out, if you think you could possibly get something.

Will you denounce reality when you get nothing, like right-wingers usually do?
Yes to all the above.

If you were an illegal, the Government would pay for everything for as long as you lived. To bad you were born here.

Something very wrong with this picture.
0 read the plan and educate yourself before you speak.

Obviously the thumbs down come from people who prefer not to know what they are talking about.
Absolutely. You are the type of people that make government worthwhile : ) the type of people that the Bush administration shunned.
Ask the Octowhore in California.
Obama has a plan just for you! It's the working people who get the shaft.

what is ';Ghost of Tom Joad'; smoking??? Don't you know the cheap stuff makes you delusional?
Based on what you have written, none.

Learn about what you are asking about, before making yourself look like a fool.




You'd be a Democrat HERO!!

You'd be the new DNC Posterboy.
I hope so because the tools that got the adjustable intrest rate should just be homeless if they can't pay it
Now, here's a guy who knows how to get results from the federal government !
no no no no no.

you would hate yourself.
Do you live in America legally? If so, I'm afraid you're out of luck.
Yes, to all of the above.

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