Sunday, August 22, 2010

Does being unmarried effect getting a mortgage together in any way?

personal issues aside...i just want to know if we'll be denied or frowned upon by a lender because we want to buy a house together but aren't yet married.Does being unmarried effect getting a mortgage together in any way?
There will be absolutely, ZERO consideration by the lender regarding your marital status. That would be discriminating.

Go for it!!Does being unmarried effect getting a mortgage together in any way?

It's done all the time. But you should both pull your credit reports together prior to doing this. I know several people who found surprises in their fiances' credit reports. That could impact the rate you pay and what programs you can use.
As long as you both have good credit, income to support the payments, etc, then it will not matter to the lender if you are not married.
Federal law prohibits such discrimination.
Nope ,

A mortgage is strictly business . . .

If you have the bucks (20% down is the desired amount now)

And Both of you have FICOs over 720 ,

And your combined income indicates you can make the payments ,

Then you are good to go ( unless this is some faith based credit union from a church , then that might be a different ball game ) . . .

Your income %26amp; debt %26amp; the loan amount is ?

Your down payment is ?

Your FICOs are ?

None. It would be illegal. However issues could arise if there was a breakup.
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