Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My husband has not made a mortgage payment in months. How do I get him out of the house?

He received OUR tax check back this year in the amount of $12,000 and did not apply any toward mortgage, not sure what he did with the money. Trying to find out how do I go about getting him to leave. I have asked him to leave and he will not. I can't afford to hire an attorney at the moment.My husband has not made a mortgage payment in months. How do I get him out of the house?
The bank will start foreclosure proceedings after so many months of being in arrears. Getting him to leave is a short term problem, you need to get in touch with the bank to see if you can avoid losing your house so that you aren't homeless. Good Luck. My husband has not made a mortgage payment in months. How do I get him out of the house?
Everyone thinks they can't afford an attorney, but you can, you can go to the local women's center and I do believe that once or twice a week, they have attorneys there that will offer free advice for you. I suggest you check that out, and never give up, there are attorneys who will offer free advice if you tell them your financial situation and they think that your case is worth helping you out with.

Do not ever give up, there are people out there who will help you!!!
Was the tax return in both of your names? If so, he took your money. It's difficult to kick him out unless he is abusing you. Who is making the payments now? If you are, you need to stop so he is forced to pay. Can you move out, temporarily, so he understands the gravity of your situation? Sometimes you have to shake things up to get it started.
Move out and let the mortage holder worry about how to get him out of the house.
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