Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I work as a temp does it affect my ability to get a mortgage?

I have worked for the same company for two years and love the variety of being an accounting temporary. I also make more money than as a direct hire. But i want to buy a house before I'm 30 (18 months) and I wonder if i should be looking for a permenant position.I work as a temp does it affect my ability to get a mortgage?
lil t-

It will all come down to your income, 2 years of employment is the standard guideline for employment and it seems that you meet that requirement. As far as the temporary part, I hope you mean Part-time, because if this is a temp agency just giving you accounting jobs on the monthly basis, then the answer will be NO, the lender will not feel secure regardless of you working for the temp company for 2 years, there is no job security or pattern established.

Also think if buying is good for you now, take 28% of your monthly income and that will be the payment including taxes and insurance that you will be able to afford.

Good luck to youI work as a temp does it affect my ability to get a mortgage?
You will be OK. You are a long term employee of an agency, the job is not temp, only the assignments.
no i think you should be fine
If you're an employee of an agency and have been there two years or more, it could work.

If you are a true temp and not an employee of a temp agency, then it may effect your getting a mortgage no matter how long you have been at the same assignment. You should talk to a reputable mortgage broker or a seasoned mortgage loan officer at a bank.

In either case, they will/may ask for your temp contract as well as other employment verification information.

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