Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If 92 % of the country are Paying there Mortgages are the other 8 % Libs and Dems.?

I dont really think anyone truly knows for sure the exact amount of dems

and Pubs who have defaulted on Mortgages, In any case, I find it more

likely that the larger number would be Democratic do to the fannie

freddy mess was ruined by low income non qualifying borrowers,If 92 % of the country are Paying there Mortgages are the other 8 % Libs and Dems.?
Actually, only 55% or so have home loans. The rest are renters. Your question contains ignorance.

The 8% of those who have foreclosed home loans are laid off by your hero rich class executive masters, who continue to travel by Learjet.

I thought you promised they'd take good care of you?

Edit: I wouldn't borrow a solitary cent from a blood-thirsty rich-class American banking leech.

http://www.620ktar.com/?nid=48%26amp;sid=10884鈥?/a>If 92 % of the country are Paying there Mortgages are the other 8 % Libs and Dems.?

The implication of your ';question'; is pretty insensitive. There are responsible folks of ALL parties that have lost their jobs and are in big trouble. Not everyone is irresponsible. I would take that smugness %26amp; realize that the grim situation could effect you also.
I'm a democrat and just finished paying off my mortgage... was never late with a payment either.

Actually... I know a couple of republicans who lost their home... I just think it's all different cases and nothing to do with what party you are from.

Some can't pay because their job let go of them... out of work means no money to pay bills.

Others just bought too much house, too much lattes, too much clothes etc. Many people were used to splurging, not thinking ahead. It would be good to be educated in school about simple finances a bit. Especially interests on loans and credit cards, some people have no clue still.. They think it's simple interest on the loan amount.
No, they are the Republicans who hang out here each day all day who work minimal jobs and ride their sisters pink stingray to McDonald's for work and to buy chewing tobacco.
No. Job loss and the subsequent loss of income and the ability to pay your bills knows no political party.
Studies have shown that of the 8% in default over 60% went back into default after being helped in the last stimulus package. I saw a news story the other day about a black woman and her family complaining because they couldnt afford their 1900 dollar a month mortgage payment !! And she was whining and complaining about having to work 3 jobs to pay it !! Well geez lady why did you buy a house with a 1900 dollar a month mortgage in the first place ? Or were you counting on the Tax Payers footing the bill for ya all along ?
The figures the poster gave about those who went back into foreclosure are correct. This is throwing good money after bad. Programs already existed. If you can't afford the house, another program isn't going to help either.

To add another story, I read of one man in CA who has a part-time job and his wife stays home with their 4 children. Then they wonder why they can't pay the mortgage.
92% of that eight percent are people who expect a government handout in return for voting for Obama.

A handout siphoned off of others who worked hard paid their debts out of their monthly paychecks....
Given the number of Red states that have housing markets that are in deep trouble...I'd say no.

see: Arizona, Nevada.

Just B free: ';studies have shown';? What a load of BS.
Nope. All of my southern, white neighbors in foreclosure say it is Republicans an Conservatives as well.

%26lt;%26lt;South Carolinian.
3 houses in my neighborhood are in foreclosure, 2 have cars in front with mccain stickers on them,...you do the math.
Idiots come in all colors and all parties .
Only in your fantasy world...

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