Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How do you negotiate with a mortgage company when a home is in foreclosure?

You need to contact your lender immediately. Ask for the loss mitigation department. Lenders are required by law to offer many alternatives to foreclosure, but some of the options aren't available after 60 days. At this stage you can discuss forbearance, repayment, and/ or reinstatement if your financial difficulties are short-term and you want to stay in the home.

If you don't expect your finances to improve, you may want to put your home on the market before foreclosure begins, but it sounds like the process has already started. If you owe more than it is worth, you may want to discuss a short sale (preforeclosure sale) with your lender. This is where they allow you to sell your home for less than the loan amount. You will incur a tax liability for the amount written off. Short sales approval requires that you are at least 2 payments late and that your home should be able to sell within 90 days- often tough in this market.

If your situation if long-term but you want to keep your home, explore loan renegotiation (length, interest rate, fixed vs adjustable) or a partial claim on your FHA mortgage insurance. Partial claims are basically interest free HUD loans to get you caught up. The money is due when you sell or after you've paid off your first mortgage. Partial claims are an option if the home is insured and you are 4-12 months late.

If you or your spouse are in the military or your house is in a federally declared disaster area, there are even more programs to help you save your home.

Check out these articles for more info and links to HUD and FHA.

Good luck! Do your research and call your lender immediately!How do you negotiate with a mortgage company when a home is in foreclosure?
What are you trying to negotiate?

Your question is way to vague to even take a stab at.

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