Sunday, August 22, 2010

My landlord is late on the mortgage and wants to sell?

My landlord (also my uncle) rented our house a year ago with a 5 year lease. He has not kept up with the mortgage and might face foreclosure. He came today and notified us that he will be selling the house and took pictures and wants copies of the keys for buyers to see the house. Can he do this? Is he breaking the lease? What can I do?My landlord is late on the mortgage and wants to sell?
Yes, he can do that.

You can hope he sells it to an investor and not a person wanting to live in the house. If he sells it to an investor, you have the ability to carry on with the lease with the new owner. If he sells to someone who wants to live in the place, you will have to move.My landlord is late on the mortgage and wants to sell?
Yes he has the legal right to sell his property.

The new owner will have to honor your lease IF it's a valid lease. Many leases on residential properties are not legal if over a 2 year period. You should check your state laws for specifics.

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