Friday, August 20, 2010

What kind of interest rate, mortgage, can I expect for credit score of mid 600's?

I haven't actually applied for a mortgage loan yet, but I did get my (mortgage) credit report. Apparently they throw out the high and low credit scores and go with the middle score and mine is 650. What interest rate can I expect to offered?What kind of interest rate, mortgage, can I expect for credit score of mid 600's? - try this service to boost you credit score before getting loan. After credit repair you can get the loan with minimal interest rate.What kind of interest rate, mortgage, can I expect for credit score of mid 600's?
go to the web site below and see what they will offer you - most quotes are good for 30 days - then try a few other places to see if some one will go lower - some places will look at different things - also don't for get to look at 15 and 20 year loans - you pay a little more but you save a lot - you may also look into biweekly programs - that will cut 6 years off a 30 year loan
u should apply for an FHA loan if ur loan amount is at or under the limits and u can qualify full doc. If this is the case ur rate will not be score driven. have not looked at the tables lately but ur rate could be in the 5's or so.
Do not contact Lending Tree. They are only a referral company. You will get calls from many, many lenders, over %26amp; over. Ask family or friends for names of good Loan Officers in your area.

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