Friday, August 20, 2010

When will I be getting my mortgage paid off and my free gasoline?

I assume somebody from the Obama administration will be contacting me soon.

Yes we can! Yes we can!When will I be getting my mortgage paid off and my free gasoline?
Probably when the simple-minded lemmings that elected Obama realize that they've been duped by the biggest con-man in the history of American politics - in other words, don't hold your breath.When will I be getting my mortgage paid off and my free gasoline?
I sincerely hope that none of You seeing this question hope that this is going to happen when Obama is sworn in because You will be needing the help of a very good psychiatrist that I just happen to have the number of if You need one. Please for God's sake and Your own don't hold Your Breath!
Seriously, that wouldn't be a bad thing.

Bush gave the corporations bailouts and gave welfare to the oil companies WHILE they were making record profits.

Let's hope Obama gives something back to the People.
Apparently this woman thinks it will happen on January 21, 2009:鈥?/a>
Superbama will be at your door soon!

Because ya know, Obama is so super and amazing.
Don't forget the free ';rims'; and complimentary Ciroc vodka. I would rather die.
As soon as you find a husband.
soon... unless you got a contract from Bill Richardson......
When you quit your job and go on welfare .
as soon as pigs can fly
You have to wait till the 20th remember one president at a time
as soon as the tirckle down tax code reaches you

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